
  1. What price oracle do you use for the various triggers (prescheduled actions that happen in the future)?

    1. USD price-based triggers: no longer supported

    2. VOL-VOL price based triggers: current on-chain liquidity pool price

    3. VOL-VOL price based triggers with TWAP duration: arithmetic TWAP (time weighted average price) from on-chain price oracle. However, if the oracle if the oracle doesn't have enough data to cover the specified duration, then only the available data will be used. On-chain price oracles use a memory slot each time the price changes, and anybody can pay gas fees to increase the number of slots. Pools with low trading volumes tend to have fewer slots and thus smaller durations of data for computing the TWAP.

    4. Ratio-based triggers: same as #2

    5. Ratio-based triggers with duration setting: same as #3

    6. Limit Orders: same as #2

  2. What AMMs and asset pairs / pools do you support?

    As of 2024 July, Aperture supports all pairs/pools for all fee tiers across 11 chains across 3 AMMs. Some tokens with low trading volume may require importing by address. Some pools may require initialization before adding liquidity.

    1. UNISWAP_V3

      1. Ethereum

      2. Arbitrum

      3. Optimism

      4. Polygon

      5. Base

      6. BNB Chain

      7. Avalanche

      8. Scroll


      1. Ethereum

      2. BNB Chain

    3. ApertureSwap

      1. Manta Pacific

  3. How many pre-scheduled actions can I have open at once and where can I see them?

    1. You can have 3 rebalance triggers & 3 close triggers open at once. We will execute based on whichever trigger condition is met first. All remaining open triggers will be negated as you will now have a new position ID.

    2. Each address can have a maximum of 50 triggers setup. If you wish to have more than 50 triggers please reach out to whales@aperture.finance

    3. You can see the triggers under the position detail page.

  4. I have provided liquidity, but why can't I see any APTR rewards on the airdrop dashboard?

Airdrop dashboard is not realtime and your rewards will be updated sometime after the campaign ends as team will collect the data on how much fees users have generated during the campaign period.

  1. Why did the trigger with TWAP duration of 2 hours execute immediately?

TWAP is continuously checked between now-TWAP_duration and now. So if the condition is satisfied in the past TWAP_duration, then the trigger will execute almost immediately even though it was just created.

  1. Why am I receiving the following error when setting up a Recurring Rebalance trigger on Manta: "Your create strategy request has failed: Error: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 400"?

It's because Recurring Rebalance is not supported on Manta.

  1. What happens to my unclaimed fees after rebalancing?

Your fees will be added to the new position after rebalancing.

  1. Why is my avax-usdc LP no longer showing up?

Looks like you had your funds stuck on Aperture vaults on Avalanche network. You can withdraw it from https://legacy-app.aperture.finance/


  1. Is there any fee charged by Aperture?

We are charging 0.07% (7 bips) across the swap portion for all our rebalancing related "Liquidity Intents" automations. There will also be an additional flat fee of 15 cents. This covers the following automations:

Instant Rebalance Automated Rebalance Recurring Rebalance

To give an example - if a user has a rebalance trigger on their $100K ETH-LINK position that requires a swap of $15K ETH for LINK then that user would pay a 7 bip + 15 cents fee on the $15K worth of ETH that was swapped which is equivalent to about $10.65 for a rebalance on a $100K LP position.

  1. Is the APTR token live yet?

Yes, token info is available at https://docs.aperture.finance/docs/usdaptr-token/token-info

  1. I received the โ€œInternal JSON-RPC errorโ€ when swapping on Aperture. What should I do?

Change your RPC to a different one, then refresh the page to retry. You can connect your wallet to https://chainlist.org/ and select another RPC.


  1. Is there a dashboard that I can view all available pools on ApertureSwap?

Yes at https://www.geckoterminal.com/manta-pacific/apertureswap/pools

LP Tooling

  1. What is the difference between automated rebalancing and recurring rebalancing?

Automated rebalancing happens once while recurring rebalancing keeps on reocurring each time the trigger condition is met.

Last updated